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“A river is water in its loveliest form; rivers have life and sound and movement and infinity of variation, rivers are veins of the earth through which the lifeblood returns to the heart.”

– Roderick Haig-Brown

Part of the beauty of the rivers and creeks that flow in and around Sun Valley is their infinite variation. And one of the loveliest reopens this week…the Creek. With its meandering ways, silvery hue, fecund hatches, and fickle fish, it is truly the heart of the Valley.

Silver Creek
The start of August has been cool and wet. This has been a nice reprieve from the heat we experienced in July. As a result, conditions have improved on the Creek and the Conservancy will open fishing access as of August 11th. Fishing will be allowed daily from 9 AM until sunset on the Preserve. Please remember to keep the fish wet and quickly release them. Also, pay attention to the new and improved parking and fishing access points created this May. Lastly, don’t forget to sign in with your smartphone. As for fishing, you can expect to find some tricos followed by baetis in the morning. There may also be a few midday callibaetis. Damsels, hoppers, and ants will work once the hatches subside.

Big Wood
The Big Wood has been off and on muddy most of last week, but should clear completely and fish really well moving forward. As the water drops, you will find the usual array of bugs from pale morning duns, blue winged olives, golden stones, crane flies, caddis, tricos, hoppers, and ants. Thanks to the cooler overnight lows and the influx of water, the bugs are hatching later in the day and the fishing should remain strong into the afternoon. Please continue to monitor water temps, especially on the lower river.

Lower Lost
The flows could drop any day now as it appears that the reservoir will be completely out of water soon. At this point the out flow should match the inflow. The impact this will have on the fishing remains to be seen. Tricos are still hatching as well as caddis and some baetis. The best fishing is in the morning into the early afternoon.

Upper Lost River
The Upper Lost, like the Wood, was off color all last week. Now that it is clearing, the fishing should get back on track. As always, to be successful you will need to cover a lot of water and make your first cast count. Expect to find similar bugs here as you would find on the Wood.

The Salmon
The Salmon is clearing below Yankee Fork and should be very good this week. Thanks to the rain, floating is still a possibility on the lower reaches, but wade fishing and hole hopping is your best option. As for bugs, look for decent hatches of tricos, caddis, spruce moths, and golden stoneflies.

Southfork of the Boise
The flows are holding at 700 CFS. This is a good flow for wade angling although you will still find a few attempting to float. Expect golden stoneflies, pink alberts, and caddis. Hoppers are also a good option.

Local Ponds
The local ponds have been stocked and are ready for a family picnic and some fishing.

Big Wood: Alt RKR PMD | Stimulators | EZ Caddis | Bullet French Nymph | Roza Perdigons | Sexy Walts | Quilldigon | Bishop’s Dynamite | DB Zebra Midge in black, red, or olive

Big Lost: Golden Stones | Apple Green PMD | Baetis Sparkle Duns Harrop | Sexy Walts | Bullet French Nymph | Tasmanian Devil | Roza Perdigon | Lite Brite Perdigons | Roza WW Pheasant Tail | Bishop’s Dynamite | DB Zebra Midge in black, red, or olive

Salmon: Chubby Chernobyl | EZ Caddis | Spruce Moth | Tasmanian Devil | Roza WW Pheasant Tail | Bishop’s Dynamite | Lite Brite Perdigons | Pat’s Rubber Legs

South Fork of the Boise: Chubby Chernobyl | Caddis | Sexy Walts | Bullet French Nymph | Lite Brite Perdigons | Pat’s Rubber Legs | Bishop’s Dynamite | DB Zebra Midge in black, red, or olive



Silver Creek 77.9 cfs
Big Wood 141 cfs
The Big Lost 126 cfs
South Fork of the Boise 711 cfs
Salmon River 717 cfs