Silver Creek Kilpatrick / Purdy Pond Restoration Project
Guide and Outfitter Appreciation Day
Update: As of 9-17 , the time period for this effort has been extended for the remainder of this 2013 season.
In an effort to show support and appreciation for the efforts of the Nature Conservancy of Idaho at the Silver Creek Preserve, a Valley wide Guide/Outfitter support day has been established for the week of September 16-20 2013. The Kilpatrick/Purdy Pond Restoration Project is of vital importance for the long term health of Silver Creek. Silver Creek is the lifeblood of our fly-fishing community and as Guides and Outfitters we rely heavily on this Blue Ribbon stream.
Beginning September 16th 2013 all participating Guides and Outfitters will select one day to make a donation of their guide fees to the restoration efforts of the Nature Conservancy at the Silver Creek Preserve. By doing so, we will show our support and give back to the stream that has given so much to us.
Thank you!
For more information please contact;
Greg Loomis
or ;
Silver Creek Outfitters @ 208-726-5282