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“Trout waters can be very personal places. The best trout streams are the ones you grow up with and then grow old with. Eventually they become like a familiar shotgun, or a faithful old setter, or a comfortable pair of shoes.”

– Gordon MacQuarrie

This is a good week to visit a familiar trout stream or get to know a new one. The freestone rivers in the area are still flowing very high, but dropping. And the big bugs of spring are hatching. If you decide to spend time on the water, wading should be done with caution; always fish with a friend, carry a staff, don a pair of stout boots, and wear a snug wading belt. Also, go with a good supply of flies imitating Green Drakes, Golden Stones, and Cicadas. Of course, if the fish are not looking up, tying a nymph off the back of your dry fly is a good idea.

Silver Creek
Now that many of the other rivers in the area are starting to fish well, the Creek is seeing less angler pressure. Also, the midday Callibaetis action is subsiding and blue damsels are taking center stage, especially in the pond. Baetis are gaining momentum in the morning and soon we will start to see Tricos. As day time highs increase, be sure to pay attention to water temperatures. Remember to keep all trout wet and release them immediately. While fishing in the Preserve, you are required to sign in. This can be done via your phone with the QR code posted at all access points or by texting “Visitor” to (833) 593-0682.

Big Wood
Now that many of the other rivers in the area are starting to fish well, the Creek is seeing less angler pressure. Also, the midday Callibaetis action is subsiding and blue damsels are taking center stage, especially in the pond. Baetis are gaining momentum in the morning and soon we will start to see Tricos. As day time highs increase, be sure to pay attention to water temperatures. Remember to keep all trout wet and release them immediately. While fishing in the Preserve, you are required to sign in. This can be done via your phone with the QR code posted at all access points or by texting “Visitor” to (833) 593-0682.

The Upper Lost
The East Fork is clear and fishable above Wildhorse. The wading is still tricky, but strong wade fishers can move about. The cutthroat are eager to eat a well presented dry but they will give you only one chance. There is not a huge trout population and excessive fishing pressure definitely impacts this fishery. Your best strategy is to cover water and move about in search of fish. Bug wise there is a plethora of insects from Golden Stones, Yellow Sallies, Green Drakes, Western Quills, and a variety of caddis.

The Lost Below Mackay
The flows are down to around 560 CFS. Watch for the flows to come down under 500 to around 350 CFS for optimal fishing and wading conditions.

The fishing is holding steady on the Salmon with good stoneflies and large mayflies hatching daily. Wading opportunities are increasing as the flows drop; however, floating is the best option. Whatever you choose to do, however, be careful; the Salmon is flowing very high and accidents can happen fast.

South Fork of the Boise
Last week flows started to bump up from 300 CFS. They seem to have stalled at 600 CFS this week. Expect the flows to continue to go up, but at the current level, wade fishing is still the best option. The bugs have slowed a bit with the influx of cold water, but caddis, pinks, cicadas, and golden stones are still about.

Local Ponds
It is time to take the family to Lake Creek or Gaver’s Lagoon. Both have been stocked and will receive regular stockings throughout the summer season. Unfortunately, Penny Lake has an algae bloom and is difficult to fish at the moment.

Big Wood: Chubby Chernobyl | Juicy Stone | Duracell | Bullet French Nymph | Rain Drop Jigs | Maktima UV Jig | San Juan Worm | Pat’s Rubber Legs | Bishop’s Dynamite |  Zebra Midge in black, red, or olive

Silver Creek: Callibaetis | PMDs | Baetis | Damsels | Crane Flies | Green Drakes | Bullet French Nymph | DB Zebra Midge in black, red, or olive | Pine Squirrel Leech

Salmon: Chubby Chernobyl | Juicy Stone | Duracell | Bullet French Nymph | Rain Drop Jigs | Maktima UV Jig | Pat’s Rubber Legs | Bishop’s Dynamite

Big Lost Flies: Chubby Chernobyl | Juicy Stone | Duracell | Bullet French Nymph | Rain Drop Jigs | Maktima UV Jig | San Juan Worm | Pat’s Rubber Legs | Bishop’s Dynamite |  Zebra Midge in black, red, or olive

South Fork of the Boise: Chubby Chernobyl | Juicy Stone | Deep Cleaner | Duracell | Bullet French Nymph | Rain Drop Jigs | Maktima UV Jig | San Juan Worm | Pat’s Rubber Legs




Silver Creek 94.9 cfs
Big Wood 660 cfs
The Lost Below Mackay 573 cfs
Salmon 1970 cfs
South Fork of the Boise 609 cfs