As we move into our second week of the month, the fishing should prove steady. Our weather patterns will be less predictable, so be prepared for anything. If you find the water a bit stained or off color from the recent rain, don’t hesitate to nymph with Princes or Pheasant Tails. Changing weather patterns bring hatch patterns that require the angler to be on their toes and ready for anything. Be prepared for Baetis, Callibaetis, Caddis, Red Quills and Mahogany Duns, as well as more of the terrestrials that frequent the banks. Keep those Hoppers, Beetles and Flying Ants at the ready.
Silver Creek
Silver Creek will offer some excellent opportunities for the patient angler who can change from one pattern to the next with the weather. Look for the late morning emergence of Baetis and keep in mind that these fish are coming off of a very busy week with plenty of angling pressure. When you have identified a fish, take your time and focus on your best offering. Time the rise and try to get into the fish’s rhythm when you present the fly. Another fun and less technical option is the Callibaetis fished on breezy afternoons on choppy water. Because of the weather patterns and the in and out passage of cloud cover, keep in mind these fish may be hunkered down and a bit nervous at times. Look towards the banks for opportunities to fish terrestrials. This time of year the average hopper pattern may not produce as well, try stopping by the shop to pick up some flies known to stand out from the average pattern.
Big Wood River
The Wood can really come into its own as the month progresses. Try not to over-think pattern selection and keep the larger Parachute Adams (size 12) in mind when searching for fish. Although the recent rain in the valley can suppress a significant hatch, the fish will still be looking for feeding opportunities in the right water. Search the slower pockets and seams with confidence. On a freestone river like the Big Wood, you have to train your eyes to look for those rising noses. When you see them, give them a tender presentation and you will be rewarded. If the weather returns to warm breezy afternoons, the hopper will still be the ticket.
Big Lost River
For those anglers who have been holding out to fish the Big Lost in wadable flows, it is your time. During the mornings, the Tricos will make a showing for some steady dry fly opportunities. Don’t forget to have a Craneflies in the box as they are still a fun way to fish lazily by swinging and skating them around. For best results, get your strike indicators and nymph rigs out and dredge some of those deeper runs. As expected, the Prince Nymph and Pheasant Tails are most productive.
Upper Big Lost/Copper Basin
There’s something about getting out of town and driving up over Trail Creek Summit. If you enjoy solitude, this is the place this week. At only 45 minutes away, it is a great option for some quality Cutthroat, Rainbow, Brook and Cuttbow fishing. The usual general attractors (Royal Wulffs, small Stimulators, Parachute Adams) will still do well, but try a dropper and watch what happens. I like the smaller (size 18) Brassies, zebra Midges and green Copper Johns. Please be cautious when walking through the willows in the Lost River region and keep an eye out for the occasional moose. Stay clear and give Mother Nature her space.
South Fork of the Boise
With comfortable flows for wading, it is a wonderful time to be on the SFB. If you have your choice and can do it, try focusing on the late afternoon and evenings with Pink Alberts and Flavs (sizes 14-16). The early day will give you a chance to put the big nymph (Stonefly nymphs sizes 6-10) with a Pheasant Tail dropper (sizes 14-18) for some good indicator fishing. It is never a bad time to fish for the large Bull Trout with streamers, try Double Bunnies and String Leeches.
Salmon River
If you want a visual treat, go north and view the Chinook Salmon, one of the most amazing species on our planet, as they stage and spawn in upper stretches of the Salmon River. While you are in the region, check downstream for some incredible Cutthroat fishing. Here you will find some eager fish aggressively taking attractors like the PMD’s, Stimulators and Trudes (sizes 10-14). If things are slow in the morning, put on a dropper and you should see some increased action.