Certified Casting Instructor
“I strive to be an excellent teacher while still putting clients into fish. Some guests require or desire to learn, where many just want to hang a pig. I believe that a good guide has to be extremely adaptable in order to meet and exceed the expectations of every guest, on every trip.”
If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch,
you must first invent the universe.
Brian Richter learned to tie flies a full year before he learned to fly-fish. He is not sure why that was, but he is certain it helped him better understand the water and the environment in which he would eventually find his calling. “Learning about bugs is an integral part of fishing.” A native of southern Idaho, Brian started fishing with his parents when he was still a toddler. “My mother made a miniature, makeshift float tube for me so that
my sister could drag me around the lake while she and my father fished. My sister tells me I was either in my birthday suit or in diapers during these excursions.” It doesn’t get much more native Idahoan than that! Neither does his choice of après-fishing activities that favor a cold beer at Grumpy’s or dinner at the Pioneer Saloon, relaxing and spinning fishing tales with friends and clients.
Guiding Style