Laying on my back in our lush green lawn I remember pointing my toes strait down, rocking my nose upward, and straining to stretch my head-to-toe distance far as I could compared to the salmon my dad laid next to me. I was longer, but not by much. My younger sister did the same and the two of us giggled…
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With multiple hunting opportunities, the prospect of a great ski season on the horizon, and miles of open water free from fishing pressure, November is a great time to be in the Wood River Valley. If fishing is your activity of choice, keep checking the weather forecast and dress for the occasion as the forecast for the next two weeks…
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Nick Purdy of the RR Ranch updates us on the progress of the Silver Creek Restoration Project as of this first week of November. "As the picture shows we have diverted Silver Creek and dried up the pond. The dam has been removed and the new dam will be started next week. The mud is 6 ft deep in places…
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