There are spectacular things all around us that can so easily go un-noticed. It has to be very calm and quite to hear the calls of migrating snow geese that pass far overhead. Equally rare that they are ever noticed amongst the busy bustle of every day life unless they are first heard, then with any luck the wavering strands…
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Crisp, fall air in late October means hunting season. This video should give you the fever if you aren't already stricken with it!
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Silver Creek Hunting Department from Silver Creek Outfitters on Vimeo.
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There seem to be great numbers of large Blue Grouse this year. Get your nerves ready and reaction time set to instant if you head out in search of some. These big birds flush with thundering wings at close range. Also stay alert for stragglers, as often only one will get up, but more are close by and laying low.
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It's finally on the radar... bird hunting is upon us! Here is a little bit of video to get the excitement of upland bird hunting charge up.
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If you love to shoot and like to keep a few cases of your favorite shot on hand, now is the time to stock up. You may have read that ammo prices are expected to rise 15%-25% this year and we have told by our distributors that will be the case after April 2011. In anticaption of continuing to offer…
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